Art and Culture


At Programme Jeunesse Ici Corp (PJICI), we understand the vital role that art and culture play in the lives of individuals and communities. We believe that cultural diversity is a strength, and that embracing and celebrating it can lead to a more vibrant and cohesive society. That’s why we have made it a key part of our vision to promote art and culture as a means of fostering integration and enhancing social well-being.

Through our projects in the arts and culture sector, we aim to provide opportunities for new immigrants, youth, and refugees to showcase their talents and share their cultural heritage with others. By doing so, we hope to promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation, as well as to create a more inclusive and welcoming community.

Whether it’s through music, dance, visual arts, or other forms of creative expression, we believe that art and culture have the power to inspire and unite people from all walks of life. By supporting and promoting these activities, we hope to create a more connected and harmonious society.

At PJICI, we are committed to helping new immigrants, youth, and refugees overcome the barriers they face in integrating into Canadian society. Through our work in the arts and culture sector, we aim to create opportunities for these individuals to build confidence, develop new skills, and make meaningful connections with others. We believe that by promoting the value of cultural diversity and encouraging artistic expression, we can create a more vibrant and inclusive society for all.