Counselling Resources

The support provided will be based on the “SMART” goal setting and counselling method. During one-on-one sessions, the Program Director will develop Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Targeted goals tailored to each individual. This document will be used to keep each participant on track and focused on their objectives. In certain cases, group counselling sessions will be utilized if the information can benefit all participants.

The PJICI will also rely on community resources in order to address any individual’s personal problems that cannot be resolved during the program. Community resources include:

Project Management/Statistical Reporting

All general program files and documents such as application forms and attendance records will be maintained by the program staff in electronic and hard copy format. In addition, a case file will be created for each participant as well as for each employer in both formats. Computer files will be password protected and hard copy files will be locked and accessible by program staff only. An electronic database of participants, employers and suppliers will also be maintained by program staff.