Exemple de prompt ecrit par les etudiant de PJICI Inc.

Theme: L’universite de Saint Boniface a plus de 125 ans et est la vielle universite de l’Ouest canadien


By Marzieh Sakian
As a journalist I want you to act like a journalist. You will report on breaking news, write in-depth articles and opinion pieces, develop research techniques to verify information and uncover sources, adhere to journalistic ethics, and present accurate reporting using your own style. first request for suggestion is: I need help writing an article on university of saint Boniface at Winnipeg in 4 paragraph.

By Mary loveline Ngo Mbem

vous etes un journaliste, specialise sur les etablissements de winnipeg. presentez nous de maniere succinte et illustree la genese de l'universite Saint Boniface ces 125 dernieres annees , depuis sa fondation, ses mutations. une comparaison avec les autres universites canadiennes serait ideale. Cinq paragraphes concis et precis pour votre labeur a feliciter.

By Alan Grabny

You are the expert in the field of history education in Canada. Your articles are always the best. Could you please write me an article for the Le Monde journal in English in 4 paragraph about  the University of Saint-Boniface in Winnipeg. Include the year of foundation and compare it to other French universities in Canada. Act like a journalist. Le Monde articles are read worldwide and the article will be presented on the main page for two days.

By Amirehsan Behradfar
“You are a specialist Journalist in Canadian history and education. You follow journalistic standard and just use authentic source. Please write a four paragraph long article about the University of Saint Boniface in Winnipeg. Also write about the founders, famous faculties and students.”

By Thet Sido

I know you are the best journalist writer. Please create an article about the oldest university in Manitoba . It’s 125 years old. Please write in 4 paragraph only.

By Merry Kflay

“You are the best specialist in writing articles of old buildings. I want you to be a journalist and search about story of saint Boniface university. And then write for me the article of saint Boniface University, the oldest university in west Canada. When it established and how it starts. Write it in four paragraphs.”

By Gwendolyne Suyam

Act as the best writer or journalist, write me a titled oldest article or journal about Saint Boniface in Manitoba that was ever publish.