Performance Measurement/Follow-up Plan

The PJICI has recently adopted a new management style that facilitates the measurement of outcomes and the extent to which a project’s goals and objectives are met. With the management by project, the tools are very efficient for seeing the progression of the participants (skills, workshop, etc.)

The PJICI will collect information and feedback from participating individuals and employers in order to assess the effectiveness of the program, at the beginning and in the end of the program. The information collected will include suggested methods for improving the program.

The PJICI will maintain complete financial records and will document all expenses claimed (e.g. staff attendance records, receipts for all purchases, etc.). Financial claims, including an adjusted cash flow, will be submitted monthly to Manitoba Entrepreneurship, training and trade, who leads others funders sources.

A narrative report will be submitted monthly and include project objectives, activities undertaken and outcomes achieved. A final financial reconciliation and a final activity report will be submitted at the end of the project and used to assess the success of the project.

For the participants who have not secured paid employment accomplished the expected outcomes, they will be referred to other agencies that are more appropriate to their needs,  send them in the system, encourage them to take the program again.